Introducing NetWare Web Search Server
NetWare® Web Search Server offers a powerful full-text search engine you can use to add search capabilities to your Internet or intranet Web sites. Compatible with the both NetWare Enterprise and Apache Web servers, you can create custom search forms and search result pages either from scratch or by using the templates provided with NetWare Web Search Server.
With NetWare Web Search Server, you can
- Search across multiple Web sites, servers, and file formats in any language, all from a single interface.
- Host search services for one or more companies or organizations.
- Print large collections of dispersed but related files as a single, coherently organized document.
- Customize the look and feel of search and print results in all languages.
- Create themes, which are defined collections of search and print result templates that allow you to deploy custom look and feel virtual search servers, each for a specific company or department.