Setting Printer Persistence

You might want printers to remove themselves automatically from a workstation. For example, if you have a printer in your lobby for customers to use, you would want the printer to be removed from the customer's laptop when the customer leaves. Setting the persistence of the printer allows you to automatically remove the printer when the customer reboots his laptop.

To use Printer Persistence, you must use the iPrint Map Designer where you can specify a printer's default settings and set the persitence of a printer. The table below shows the different settings for persistence. For more information on the iPrint Map Designer, see Creating Location-based Maps with iPrint Map Designer .

Option Description


Printer will not be removed.


Printer will be removed as the workstation reboots.


Printer will be removed at the indicated time. Use the numerical format of year, month, day, hour, minute.

For example, 2002,3,12,20,16 to represent March 2, 2002 at 8:16 PM.

NOTE:  This feature is currently not implemented.