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Determining Whether a Remote IPX Router Is Reachable

To determine whether a remote router is reachable, you can run an IPX Echo test. To run an Echo test, load IPXPING and perform the following steps:

  1. Specify the target router address in the Network field.

  2. Specify the target router node number in the Node field.

  3. Specify the number of seconds between each transmission in the Seconds to pause between pings field.

  4. Press Esc to begin transmitting.

    IMPORTANT:  To run the IPX Echo test, both the machine originating the echo packets and the machine responding to the echo packets must support IPXPING. To support IPXPING, both machines must have IPXRTR.NLM, which is included in NetWare 4.1 software and Novell Internet Access Server 4.1 software.

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