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Configuring the IPX Address Mapping Gateway

The IPX Address Mapping Gateway allows you to connect to a backbone network even when your local network numbers are not compatible with the backbone addressing scheme.

To configure the IPX Address Mapping Gateway, complete the following steps:

  1. Load NIASCFG and select the following parameter path:

    Select Configure NIAS > Protocols and Routing > Protocols > IPX

  2. Select Address Mapping Gateway and select Enabled .

  3. Select Address Mapping Gateway Configuration , select Address Mapping Network Number , and enter the number to which your local network will be mapped.

    NOTE:  You must enter a registered address unique to the backbone.

    One number is supported for each router. Additionally, this number is included as part of the SAP name advertised by the IPX Address Mapping Gateway. The SAP name is used by other gateways to locate gateways that use the same address mapping network number when a packet with an unknown reverse mapping is received.

  4. Configure the following parameters as needed.

    To configure the maximum number of address mappings that is allocated during router initialization, select Maximum Address Mapping Entries and enter the desired number of mapping entries.

    The default is 1,000 mapping entries.

    To configure the amount of time an address mapping is remembered after the last mapping entry was used, select Address Mapping Hold Time and enter the desired amount of time in minutes, hours, and days.

    After the holding time expires, the mapping is dropped and new packets must flow from the customer network to the backbone to renew the mapping. This process allows mapping slots to be reused. The default hold time for mapping is one hour.

    To use outbound RIP filters to determine nonmappable networks, in addition to manually configuring nonmappable entries, select Use RIP Filters for Nonmappable Networks and select Enabled.

    If the source network number in a packet being forwarded to an IPX Address Mapping Gateway circuit passes the outbound RIP filter on that circuit, the packet is not mapped. If the source network number does not pass a RIP filter, the packet is mapped.

    The default is Disabled . When disabled, RIP filters are not used to determine nonmappable network addresses.

    NOTE:  If enabled, the RIP filter module must be loaded from the IPX protocol menu, and the RIP filter must be configured carefully to block the correct network numbers.

    To configure a SAP type list that is used to determine networks that are nonmappable, select Nonmappable SAP Types and select one of the predefined SAP types or press Ins to add a new type. To add a new SAP type, enter the desired SAP type or press Ins and select a SAP type from the list of known service types.

    The SAP tables are scanned for SAP entries with matching SAP types. After finding all matching SAP types, the IPX Address Mapping Gateway determines the network numbers on which the services are found and applies those network numbers to the list of nonmappable networks.

    This option makes configuring nonmappable network numbers easier. For example, all packets originating from the Novell Directory ServicesTM (NDSTM ) software or NetWare Mobile IPXTM software should not be translated. Therefore, SAP types for NDS, NetWare Mobile IPX, and Timesync are included in the list by default.

    NOTE:  To avoid mapping NetWare 3.x servers, add SAP type 4 to the list of nonmappable SAP types.

  5. Press Esc and save your changes.

  6. Press Esc to return to the Internetworking Configuration menu.

  7. Select the following parameter path:

    For LAN interfaces, select Bindings > a LAN interface > Expert Bind Options .

    For WAN interfaces, select Bindings > a WAN interface > WAN Call Destinations > a call destination > Expert Options .

  8. To enable the IPX Address Mapping Gateway on an interface, select Use For Address Mapping Gateway and select Yes .

    When this option is enabled, all packets destined for the interface or WAN call destination are subject to the address mapping rules.

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