Reconfiguring an NDPS Broker
In most instances, the default configuration for the three support services it provides will result in satisfactory performance. However, in certain circumstances you might want to change that configuration. Here are a couple of examples:
- As you gain experience with your NDPS setup, you might want to reconfigure the default properties assigned to the Broker.
- If disk space on your volume is limited, you might want to move the managed resources database accessed by the Resource Management Service to a different volume on the same server or to a different server in the same eDirectory tree where more disk space is available. (The default location for the RMS resources is server\SYS:NDPS\RESDIR\)
- To reconfigure a Broker, you must have at least Read, Write, and Modify rights for the container where the Broker resides.
- If you change the location of your Resource Management Service database, you need to have rights to the new location.
- If you change the location of your Resource Management Service database, you need to have an existing Resource Management Service database directory to point to when you specify the volume for the RMS during this process. The path you specify must point to a directory that currently exists and that already contains resources. (The RMS data storage area must not have a directory name that is longer than eight characters or includes invalid characters.) If you point to an empty directory, you will receive an error message from the server when loading the Broker saying that the Broker cannot be enabled. (You can copy resources from another RMS to this directory if you want.)
The following procedure explains how to reconfigure an existing Broker object or move your brokered resources to a different location.
In NetWare Administrator, select the Broker object you want to reconfigure.
If you want to change the location of your resources, complete the following:
Click Resource Management.
Enter in the resource path you want to use for storing these resources.
You might need to assign the Broker all rights (Supervisor right) to the new area.
If you want to modify the Access Control list, click Access Control and add or remove users from the Managers list.
See Managing the Broker for more information.
If you want to enable or disable your Service Registry, click Service Registry Service.
See Enabling and Disabling Brokered Services for more information.
If you want to load or unload Notification methods, click Event Notification.
See Enabling Event Notification Delivery Methods for more information.