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Using the NetStorage NSAdmin Utility

The NSAdmin utility is useful if you want to change your NetStorage configuration after NetStorage has been installed. NetStorage configuration information is stored in the NetWare® registry and the NSAdmin utility provides an easy method for changing NetStorage registry entries.

Exercise caution when using NSAdmin to change NetWare registry settings. Some NetWare registry entries should be changed only under direction from Novell®, and changing them could adversely affect NetStorage and your NetWare server.

After changing any registry settings you must reboot your NetWare server for changes to take effect.

To access the NSAdmin utility, do the following:

  1. Start your browser or Microsoft Web Folders and enter the URL for the NSAdmin utility.

    The URL is http://server_ip_address/oneNet/nsadmin/. Replace server_ip_address with the IP address or DNS name of the NetWare 6 server where you installed NetStorage or the IP address you chose for the Apache-based services during the NetWare 6 installation.

    If you specified a port number other than port 80 for Apache-based services during the NetWare 6 installation, you must also specify that port number with the URL.

    For example, if the IP address for NetStorage is and the port number is 51080, then you would specify

  2. Enter your username and password.

The NSAdmin Web page displays a list of links in the left column that are used to access the various pages for editing and viewing NetStorage configuration information in the NetWare registry.

Descriptions and information for each NSAdmin page are described in the following sections:


The General page lets you view or edit the following configuration settings:

Authentication Domains

Lets you change or add the eDirectory server URLs and contexts that are required by NetStorage. This page also lets you change the eDirectory server that is designated as the Primary. See Installing Novell NetStorage during the NetWare 6 Installation for more information about eDirectory server URLs and contexts.

The following list identifies the functions of the buttons on the Authentication Domains page:

URL Location Handlers

Lets you view the location of the XTier, iFolderTM and NetStorage Admin handlers. The value provides a more intuitive description than what is displayed in the Location column. The Value field should not be changed.

WebDav Provider

Lets you view or edit the following configuration settings:

iFolder Storage Provider

Lets you view or edit the following iFolder-specific configuration settings:

NetWare Storage Provider

Lets you view or edit the following configuration settings:

General Provider Settings

Lets you view the location of the Home Directory, Mapped Drives, iFolder, and XFile stores. The value provides a more intuitive description than what is displayed in the Location column. The Value field should not be changed.


Configuration Settings on this page should not be changed except under direction from Novell.

Current Sessions

Displays a report with information on the current NetStorage sessions. The report is in XML format and can be customized with a parser to provide specific information.


Displays the username and I/O Request information specific to your current NetStorage session.

Resource Usage

Displays a detailed report of resource utilization (memory, etc.) for NetStorage. The report is in XML format and can be customized with a parser to provide specific information.


Displays a report with information on things like server up time, login failures, number of NetStorage sessions, etc. The report is in XML format and can be customized with a parser to provide specific information.

WebDAV Server

Lets you view or edit the protocol, IP address, and port number of your Web server. These settings do not normally need to be changed unless you change the IP address or port number of your Web server or you want to change to secure mode.

By default the servlet will make a request using the same IP address and port number that was used by the client making the servlet request. Tomcat uses non-secure mode by default. If you change the protocol to secure mode (https://), you must configure Tomcat for secure mode (SSL) and change the port number to a secure port. Changing to a secure protocol and port number will slow down network communication because all requests must be repeatedly encrypted and unencypted.

Servlets do not require SSL to be secure because servlet requests stay on the Web server and aren't sent over the wire. This eliminates the need and the overhead of SSL.

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