
A response file is a Windows .INI-type file. Data items are identified as keys, and keys have associated values (Key = value). These keys are grouped in sections. For the NetWare installation program, each data input screen has one or more sections associated with it. Section names of the installation generally correspond to the function of the screens.

Section and key names are case sensitive. Values associated with keys are not case sensitive. Semicolons placed at the beginning of a line indicate that the line is a comment.

Sections can be placed in any order. However, if there are two or more sections with the same section name, the first section listed in the response file will be used and the other sections will be ignored.

The following sections apply to the NetWare server installation. They are listed in the order they are used during installation.

Section Purpose

[NWI:Product Information] Section

Identifies the specific product version the response file is associated with.

[NWI:Language] Section

Specifies the languages to be installed on the server.

[NWI:Install Options] Section

Corresponds to the first data input screen.

[NWI:Server Settings] Section

Corresponds to the server settings screen.

[NWI:Locale] Section

Corresponds to the regional settings screen.

[NWI:Mouse and Video] Section

Corresponds to the video and mouse settings screen.

[NWI:Hardware] Section

Corresponds to the hardware detection and driver matching function of the installation program. If drivers are found in the Update directories, they will be used instead of the drivers found on the NetWare CD.

[NWI:Excluded From Detection] Section

Identifies what drivers will be excluded from the auto-detection.

[NWI:Multi-Processor System] Section

Identifies the driver associated with the processor system in the server.

[NWI:Storage Adapter n ] Section

Identifies the driver and its associated parameters for a specific storage adapter. This Section can be duplicated for as many adapters as are in the server. n uniquely identifies the sequence of the Section (for example, 1, 2, etc.).

[NWI:Storage Device n ] Section

Specifies storage devices. This section can be duplicated for as many devices as are in the server. n uniquely identifies the sequence of the Section (for example, 1, 2, etc.).

[NWI:Network Adapter n ] Section

Identifies the driver and its associated parameters for a specific network adapter. This section can be duplicated for as many devices as are in the server. n uniquely identifies the sequence of the Section (for example, 1, 2, etc.).

[NWI:Reserved Adapter n ] Section

Specifies the adapters that are to be reserved.

[NWI:Hotplug System] Section

Identifies the driver associated with the processor system in the server.

[NWI:NetWare Loadable Module] Section

Identifies NLMTM programs that are to be loaded with the hardware drivers.

[NWI:Misc] Section

Functions as a container of parameters that do not correspond to a data input screen.

[NWI:File System] Section

Specifies the parameters for the partitions and volumes.

[NWI:File Server] Section

Specifies the parameters that uniquely identify the server.

[NWI:Protocols] Section

Controls whether the protocol screen is displayed.

[NWI:TCPIP] Section

Specifies TCP/IP parameters.

[NWI:IPX] Section

Specifies IPXTM parameters.

[NWI:IPCMD] Section

Specifies Compatibility Mode parameters.

[NWI:SNMP] Section

Specifies Simple Network Management Protocol parameters.

[NWI:DNS] Section

Specifies Domain Name Service (DNS) parameters.

[NWI:Host Name] Section

Specifies DNS Host Name for each IP address.

[NWI:Time Zone] Section

Corresponds to the time zone screen.

[NWI:Time Synchronization] Section

Specifies time server configuration.

[NWI:NDS] Section

Corresponds to the NDS® screen.

[NWI:License] Section

Identifies the location of the license file.

[NWI:Add to Startup] Section

Specifies lines to be added to the STARTUP.NCF file.

[NWI:Append To Autoexec.ncf] Section

Specifies lines to be added to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.

[NWI:Use NCF Settings] Section

Specifies whether to use the response file or the AUTOEXEC.NCF file for the server name during an upgrade.

[Novell:NOVELL_ROOT:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of installation.

[Selected Nodes] Section

Specifies full automation of products and services.

[LDAP] Section

Specifies full automation of products and services.

[Novell:DNS_DHCP:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of products and services.

[NWI:Install Script] Section

Specifies full automation of products and services.

[NWI:Factory] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:StartupDirectory:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:SYSDirectory:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:ConfigDirectory:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:LANFiles:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:SBDFiles:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:portalzip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:Rconjzip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:Perl5zip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:beanszip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:nscriptzip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:scripteszip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:console1zip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:ldapzip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

[Novell:wanmanzip:1.0.0] Section

Specifies full automation of factory install.

The Prompt key is listed with each section that corresponds to a data input screen and it

If the value of Prompt is True, the screen will be displayed and the data specified in the response file will be presented as default values. The screen will not be displayed if the value of Prompt is False. If any of the required data is missing in the response file, however, the screen will be shown regardless of the Prompt value. For more information on each section's keys, see NetWare Sections and Keys .

In the following example, the data input screen will be displayed with the NDS information already filled in:

Prompt = True
Tree Name = Novell
New Tree = True
Server Context = O=Utah
Admin Context = O=Utah
Admin Login Name = Admin
Admin Password = install
Display Summary = True

In the following example, the NDS input screen and the Summary screens will not be displayed and the NetWare installation program will bypass them.

Prompt = False
Tree Name = Novell
New Tree = True
Server Context = O=Utah
Admin Context = O=Utah
Admin Login Name = Admin
Admin Password = install
Display Summary = False