Mirroring and Duplexing Partitions

The process for mirroring and duplexing is the same. The term mirroring is used in all menus to refer to both mirroring and duplexing.

Mirroring Partitions

For instructions on mirroring partitions, see Creating a Partition in the Novell Storage Services Administration Guide.

Unmirroring Partitions

You must unmirror mirrored partitions before you can delete a partition or conduct surface tests on a disk.

For instructions on unmirroring partitions, see Deleting a Partition in the Novell Storage Services Administration Guide.

Recovering Data from an Out of Sync Disk

Once a hard disk is unmirrored, its status is listed as either Not Mirrored or Out of Sync on the Disk Partition Mirroring Status list.

When a hard disk is listed as Out of Sync, the operating system does not recognize any volume information on it. Use this procedure to recover data from an Out of Sync partition.

  1. From ConsoleOne, open the tree you want.

  2. Right-click on the server object and select Properties.

  3. Click Media > Partitions.

  4. Select a Partition that contains the data you want to recover, click Mirror > Resync.

    This initiates the resynchronization process for the mirror group that contains the partition you selected.