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Loading Agents at Startup

Loading RConsoleJ Agent at Startup

You can load RConsoleJ Agent (RCONAG6.NLM) at startup using either of the following methods.

Using Encrypted Password (Recommended)

  1. Prepare the LDRCONAG.NCF script file.

    1. At the console prompt, enter rconag6 ENCRYPT.

    2. In the RConsoleJ Agent server screen, enter the password and port numbers.

    3. Enter Y.

  2. Prepare the AUTOEXEC.NCF file to run the LDRCONAG.NCF script file at startup.

    1. Comment out the following line:

      load rconag6 Your Password Here 2034 16800 2036

    2. Enter the following line:


Using Plain Text Password

Enter the following line in AUTOEXEC.NCF:

load rconag6 your_password 2034 16800 2036

Loading RConsoleJ Proxy Agent at Startup

To load the RConsoleJ Proxy Agent (RCONPRXY.NLM) at the startup, enter the following line in AUTOEXEC.NCF:

load rconprxy 2035

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