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Optimizing Garbage Collection

The NetWare server provides a garbage collection or memory recovery process that periodically collects alloc memory freed by NLM programs and returns it to cache.

Garbage collection responds to pressure from the virtual memory system. (For an explanation of virtual memory, see Virtual Memory.) The virtual memory system is checked every 10 seconds.

If pressure on virtual memory is high, then garbage collection is accelerated.

If pressure on virtual memory is low, then garbage collection happens at the regularly scheduled garbage collection interval. This interval is controlled by the Garbage Collection Interval server parameter.

To view or change this interval in the NetWare Remote Manager, in the navigation frame click the Set Parameters link > Memory > Garbage Collection Interval value link.

Normally, garbage collection happens in the background. The only indicator that garbage collection has taken place is an increase in the amount of free memory displayed in MONITOR after garbage collection has freed memory.

However, you can initiate garbage collection manually for individual modules using the following steps.

  1. In MONITOR, from the Available Options menu, select Loaded Modules.

  2. Select the module that you want to garbage collect memory from.

  3. Press F4 to garbage collect memory for that module.

    HINT:  You can also garbage collect memory from protected address spaces. In MONITOR, from the Available Options menu, select Virtual Memory > Address Spaces. Then select the desired address space and press F4.

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