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This section contains information and procedures on starting the server, bringing it down using an orderly shutdown, and restarting the server without exiting to DOS.
To start the server, change to the startup directory (usually C:\NWSERVER) and enter the following at the server's DOS prompt:
HINT: You can also place the command to execute SERVER.EXE in the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Then, whenever the server computer is powered up, the server starts automatically.
When you execute SERVER.EXE, the Novell® logo is displayed. To prevent the Novell logo (server splash screen) from displaying, you can load SERVER with the -nl (no logo) command option.
If the splash screen is active and you want to see a list of modules as they load, you can still display the System Console screen by using the following procedure to toggle between server console screens.
Press Alt+Esc, tapping Esc until the System Console screen is displayed.
A list of modules scrolls up the screen. If you have a color monitor, the color in which each module name is displayed indicates how the module is loaded.
After the server is running, you can display a list of all loaded modules by entering the following command at the System Console prompt:
The module names are displayed in colors that represent the functional group they belong to, as described above.
For more information, see "SERVER" and "MODULES" in Utilities Reference.
To ensure data integrity, use the DOWN command at the server console before turning off power to the server. DOWN writes all cache buffers to disk, closes all files, updates the appropriate Directory Entry Tables and File Allocation Tables, and exits the network.
If you want to bring the server down and then restart the server immediately, without exiting to DOS, use the RESTART SERVER command instead of DOWN.
If you want to bring down the server and then warm boot the computer, use the RESET command. To make the server load automatically after a RESET command, enter a line to run SERVER.EXE in the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the server computer.
NOTE: Bringing down or restarting a server during a remote console session terminates the session.
You can also bring down, restart, or reset the server from a workstation using the options on the Down/Restart page in NetWare Remote Manager.
Before you bring the server down, you should inform all users to close files and log out of the server. You can do this using the Broadcast Message to Everyone field on the Connections page in NetWare Remote Manager or by using the Connections, Compose a Message (F4) option in MONITOR.
To send a message and shut down the server from the server console, do the following:
Send a message to all logged in users from Monitor.
From the Available Options menu, select Connections.
Highlight each connection you want to inform and press F5 to mark it.
Press F4 to display a Message Text window.
Type the message and press Enter to send the message to the designated connections.
For example, you might send a message like this:
Please close files and log out from servername
Going down in 5 minutes.
Execute one of the following commands at the System Console prompt:
Although most modules, including those in protected address spaces, unload automatically when you bring down or restart the server, some modules might require that you unload them individually first. You can unload them manually with the UNLOAD command. Or you can create a batch file called SHUTDOWN.NCF in the SYS:SYSTEM directory and place the unload commands in it. If you create SHUTDOWN.NCF, it is executed automatically whenever you bring down, restart, or reset the server.
For more information, see Using EDIT to Create and Edit Text and Batch Files and "UNLOAD," "DOWN," and "RESTART SERVER" in Utilities Reference.
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