Previous Page: TSANDS-X-287: The name space type does not exist or is invalid.  Next Page: TSANDS-X-289: The Open mode option is out of range (less than 0 or greater than 23).

TSANDS-X-288: The object ID or name that was backed up does not match the current object ID or name.


Explanation:  The object ID or name for the restore does not match the object ID or name for the backup. Restore is probably being performed on a different server than the server that was used for the backup. This results in an object on both servers with a different ID.

Action:  None. This message is for information only.

  Previous Page: TSANDS-X-287: The name space type does not exist or is invalid.  Next Page: TSANDS-X-289: The Open mode option is out of range (less than 0 or greater than 23).