Previous Page: NLMLib-X-023: An invalid namespace was specified using the /N option. Only the namespace strings DOS, MAC, NFS, FTAM and OS2 are valid.  Next Page: NLMLib-X-026: Select() overflow detected.

NLMLib-X-024: Login using the /S option loading the NLM failed: rc = number. An incorrect username or password may have been used in the login process.


Explanation:  This message might appear because an incorrect username or password was used. This error also might appear because of a hardware, cabling, or insufficient memory problem.

Action:  Try the login again, making sure the username and password are valid. Check the hardware and cabling.

If the error occurs due to a memory problem on the server, increase the memory available to the server. See "Freeing Server Memory Temporarily in the Server Operating System Administration Guide.

If the problem persists, contact the vendor of this NLM program or contact a NetWare support provider.

  Previous Page: NLMLib-X-023: An invalid namespace was specified using the /N option. Only the namespace strings DOS, MAC, NFS, FTAM and OS2 are valid.  Next Page: NLMLib-X-026: Select() overflow detected.