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Use at the server console to display information about swap files, to add or delete swap files, and to specify the parameters of swap files.


SWAP [ADD vol_name [parameter = value]] [DEL vol_name] [PARAMETER vol_name parameter = value]

Parameter Use to

(no parameter)

Display a screen containing information about swap files.

ADD vol_name
parameter = value

Create a swap file on the designated volume.

You can specify the following optional parameters when you create a swap file: MIN=, MAX=, and MIN FREE=.

These parameters specify the minimum and maximum size of the swap file and the minimum free space that must be left on the volume. Values are in millions of bytes.

If parameters are not included, the following default values are used:

MIN = 2

MAX = Free volume space


DEL vol_name

Delete a swap file from the designated volume.

If you are using protected address spaces, the Novell® JVM for NetWare® product, or any other application that uses virtual memory, be sure to keep at least one swap file.

By default a swap file is created on the Sys volume whenever you start the server. If you do not want a swap file on Sys, place the SWAP DEL command in the startup.ncf file before the command to mount volumes.

PARAMETER = vol_name parameter = value

Change the parameter values for a swap file on the designated volume.

You can specify the following parameters: MIN=, MAX=, and MIN FREE=.

These parameters specify minimum and maximum size of the swap file and the minimum free space that must be left on the volume. Values are in millions of bytes.

Using SWAP

Additional Information

Topic See

Virtual Memory

Virtual Memory

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