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Use at the server console to repair and correct problems in the eDirectoryTM database. Such problems might include bad records, schema mismatches, bad server addresses, and external references. DSREPAIR can also perform advanced changes to the eDirectory schema.


If the server abends, use DSREPAIR to verify the integrity of the eDirectory database after restarting the server.


[LOAD][path]DSREPAIR [-U|-A]

Option Use to


Specify the path to DSREPAIR.NLM if you are not running it from SYS:SYSTEM.


Perform a full unattended repair and exit automatically upon completion.


Make advanced (and possibly destructive) replica and partition options available in the DSREPAIR menus.


Unattended Full Repair

An unattended full repair performs all possible repair operations that do not require your input. This is the suggested means of repair unless you are told by Novell® technical support to perform other operations manually.

The log file is displayed by default when the repair completes. The log file is a text file named DSREPAIR.LOG, stored in the SYS:SYSTEM directory.

Time Synchronization

Select this option to determine whether this server has synchronized its clock with other servers on the network. Since replica synchronization depends on time stamps, replica synchronization can be delayed until time synchronization is achieved.

When changing a read/write replica to a master, make sure the time synchronization on the server is working correctly so the changes will happen in a timely manner.

NOTE:  eDirectory operates on "synthetic time" if true synchronization has not been accomplished. Synthetic time is generated when the time stamp on a replica of a partition is ahead of the actual server time. eDirectory conducts its normal operations fully on synthetic time, but some partition and replication work can be delayed until time is synchronized.

If time is not synchronized to the network, server clocks are automatically adjusted in small increments until synchronization is achieved. In this case, no user intervention is required.

The Time Synchronization option of DSREPAIR generates a warning message if synchronization has not completed within twelve hours. In this case, you should troubleshoot your time server configuration.

Report Synchronization Status

This option gets replica synchronization status from all servers that hold replicas of the same partitions held on this server. It also reports other eDirectory errors associated with those servers or replicas. Use this option to determine whether you need to repair replicas, resolve communications problems, or initiate some other action.

Error code descriptions are in the Novell Error Code online documentation.

Repairing Network Addresses

Repair Network Addresses (RNA) checks the network address for every server in the local eDirectory database files by searching the local SAP tables if IPX is enabled or by using SLP in an IP-only environment.

Each address is then compared to the NetWare® Server object's Network Address property and the address record in each Replica property of every partition [ROOT] object. If the addresses are different, they are updated to be the same.

If the server address is not found in the SAP table or through SLP, no other repair is performed.

Additional Information

Topic See


F1 in the utility

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