
Use LOAD to link loadable modules to the operating system. Loadable modules include disk drivers, LAN drivers, NLMTM programs, platform support modules, and name space modules.

Use the LOAD command to load application modules to a protected address space, a region of logical memory in user mode (ring 3). Protected modules operate in their own execution environment. You can also mark a protected address space for restart after cleanup.

IMPORTANT:  LAN and disk drivers or the MONITOR utility are not candidates for protected address space because they must run in the kernel. For example, MONITOR makes system calls that the call gate doesn't allow between protected space and the kernel.

Use the LOAD command at the server console to load server NLM programs. You can also use LOAD at a workstation running the Novell® ClientTM to load client modules. Client NLM programs used by Novell Client load without parameters.

HINT:  In most cases you can load an NLM program by simply entering the name of the NLM program at the server console prompt. LOAD is implied. For example, to load monitor.nlm, just enter MONITOR.

The exception is if there is an .ncf file of the same name as the utility. In this case, you must use the LOAD command. Using LOAD tells the server to load the utility instead of executing an .ncf file with the same name.

The following information explains the loading process and load parameters, whether or not you actually use LOAD as part of the command string.


[LOAD] [PROTECTED | RESTART | address_space_name] [path]loadable_module_name [parameter...]

Option Use to


Specify the path to the loadable module if you moved it from the default directory.


Specify the name of the loadable module. To determine the name, see the documentation for the loadable module.


Include parameters for the module you are loading. Parameters that can be used with most modules are explained in the following tables.

Individual modules may have specific parameters of their own; see the documentation for the loadable module.

Memory Protection Parameters

Parameter Use to

protected module_name

Load one module into a new protected address space. By default the space is named ADDRESS_SPACEn, where n is a number.

If you want to load more than one module into the same address space, use the address space parameter instead of the protected parameter.

restart module_name

Load one module into a new protected space with restart functionality. By default the space is named ADDRESS_SPACEn, where n is a number.

Restart functionality means that if the protected space abends, the system closes the space, cleans up its resources, restarts the space, and reloads modules into it.

address space = address_space_name module_name

Load one module into a new protected address space with a user-defined name. Use this command when you want to define your own name for the space and when you want to load more than one module into the same address space.

You can specify only one module at a time to load into the address space, but you can repeat the command for each module you want to load into the space.

Using LOAD


Additional Information

Topic See

Loading disk drivers

Loading Disk Drivers

Loading LAN drivers

Loading and Binding LAN Drivers

Loading name space modules

Storing Non-DOS Files on a Traditional Volume

Loading modules

Loading and Unloading NetWare Loadable Modules

Using protected address spaces

Loading Protected Address Spaces

Using Protected Address Spaces

Unloading Protected Address Spaces