The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the network. DNS stores information in a distributed, coherent, reliable, autonomous, and hierarchical database.
DSfW uses the Novell DNS service as its location service, enabling users or computers to find the location of network resources. It maps hostnames to IP addresses and locates the services provided by the domain, such as LDAP, Kerberos and Global Catalog.
Novell DNS Services in Open Enterprise Server (OES) integrates the Domain Name System (DNS) service into eDirectory. Integrating this service into eDirectory provides centralized administration and enterprise-wide management of DNS by using the Java Management Console. The Novell DNS configuration information is replicated just like any other data in eDirectory.
NOTE:A Novell DNS server can only be managed by using the Java Management Console utility. The DNS YaST plug-in or the DNS plug-in of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) do not support managing a Novell DNS server.