6.6 Backing Up the Archive Database

You should periodically back up the archive data. The frequency depends on the critical nature of the versions you archive.

WARNING:To ensure data integrity, shut down ArkManager and PostgreSQL before and during the backup. For information, see Section 6.2, Stopping ArkManager.

To back up the archive versions for a particular job, copy the directories to a different volume. We recommend that the destination volume where you store the backup copy be on a different drive and pool than your archive volume, although it is not mandatory. You can also use your standard backup tools and procedures to make the directories part of your scheduled backup.

The general data path is


where ark is the Archive volume, archive is the archive data directory, and xxxxxx is a 6-digit random number assigned to the job.

If the archive path is in a directory in the volume, simply copy all files in the directory.