E.2 January 2014

Updates were made to the following sections.

E.2.1 What’s New



Section 2.2, What’s New (OES 11 SP2)

This section is new.

E.2.2 Installing and Configuring SMS



Section 3.3, Starting SMS Services

Added a note, “SMS is not registered with NCS, if NCS is configured after OES configuration. Ensure to either restart SMDR or unload and load TSA to register with NCS. “

Section 3.4.1, Using iManager

Added a note, “iManager running on Windows 7 SP1 and later cannot be used to manage SMS plugin.”

E.2.3 Using SMS



Section 4.1.2, Backing Up the File Systems

The common section of backing up NCP and DST volumes is made into two separate sections, Backing Up NCP Volumes and Backing Up Dynamic Storage Technology Volumes.

Backing Up NCP Volumes

Added a new line that trustee assignments and inherited rights filters for the data set is not backed up on clustered NCP volumes.