Novell Cluster Services provides several console commands to help you perform certain cluster-related tasks.
Section A.1, Cluster Management Commands
Section A.2, Business Continuity Clustering Commands
Section A.3, OES Installation extend_schema Command
Section A.4, SBD Utility
Section A.5, DotOutParser Utility
Section A.6, CSMPORT Utility (Cluster Segment Manager Import/Export)
Section A.7, Script (Pushing Configuration Updates to All Nodes)
Section A.8, Script (Extending the Schema, Monitoring NDSD, or Removing NCS Configuration)
Section A.9, Script (Creating an NCP Virtual Server Object for a Clustered LVM Volume Group)
Section A.10, Script (Modifying Resource Scripts Outside of iManager)
Section A.11, NCPCON Mount Command for NCP and NSS Volumes