10.15 Renaming a Cluster Resource

A cluster rename command is available that allows you to rename a cluster resource. Renaming the resource does not modify the virtual server name (the NCS:NCP Server object, such as CL134-POOL1-SERVER). Renaming the cluster resource modifies only the name of the Cluster Resource object; it does not rename the clustered pool or clustered LVM volume that is managed by the resource.

For an NSS pool cluster resource, renaming the cluster resource does not rename the pool and the resource scripts. For information about modifying the name of a cluster-enabled pool, see Section 12.12, Renaming a Clustered NSS Pool.

For a Linux LVM cluster resource, renaming the cluster resource does not rename the LVM volume and update the resource scripts. For information about modifying the name of a cluster-enabled LVM volume, see Section 13.9, Renaming a Clustered LVM Logical Volume.

Your setup must meet the following prerequisites:

  • This command must be issued from the master node.

  • The resource must be in the Offline state in order to be renamed.

  • The new name must not exist prior to the renaming.

  • eDirectory must be running when you attempt to rename cluster resource.

To rename the cluster resource:

  1. Log in to the master node in the cluster as the root user, and open a terminal console.

  2. Offline the cluster resource that you want to rename by entering

    cluster offline <resource_name>

    For example:

    cluster offline POOL1_SERVER

    You can use the cluster status command to verify that the resource reports an offline state before you continue.

  3. Rename the cluster resource by entering

    cluster rename <resource_name> <new_resource_name>

    For example:

    cluster rename POOL1_SERVER custom_name22
      Resource 'POOL1_SERVER' has been renamed to 'custom_name22'.
  4. Online the cluster resource by entering

    cluster online <new_resource_name>

    For example:

    cluster online custom_name22