NCP in OES 11 SP1 has been modified to run on 64-bit SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP2. In addition to bug fixes, NCP provides the following enhancements and behavior changes in the OES 11 SP1 release:
NCP Server was modified to refresh its OpenSLP registration of cluster resource virtual NCP servers based on the setting for the eDirectory advertise-life-time (n4u.nds.advertise-life-time) parameter. The n4u.nds.advertise-life-time parameter is set by default to 3600 seconds (1 hour) and has a valid range of 1 to 65535 seconds. Previously, NCP Server re-registered the virtual NCP servers with SLP every 30 minutes regardless of the eDirectory advertise-life-time setting. For information about setting the eDirectory advertise-life-time parameter in a cluster, see SLP in the OES 11 SP1: Novell Cluster Services 2.1 for Linux Administration Guide.
Introduced NCP_TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL parameter to configure keep alive timeout for all the TCP client connections accepted by the NCP server.
The maximum value of CONCURRENT_ASYNC_REQUESTS parameter has been increased to 256 from the earlier value of 128.
The default value of CONCURRENT_ASYNC_REQUESTS and ADDITIONAL_SSG_THREADS has been increased to 25.
Added a new switch /v to ncpcon volumes command to list the volume IDs.
NCP server does not support NFS and AFP namespaces and hence it will not return these namespaces in response to NCP requests regardless of what namespaces are supported on that volume by NSS.
Configuration options are provided to update UID number for non-LUM users.