The Runtime Admin name and Runtime Admin password are stored in the CASA store, which is later used by the DHCP Server for eDirectory authentication. The Runtime Admin credentials are stored with root (install user) and dhcpd user permissions. There can only be one Runtime User credential for DHCP stored in CASA.
NOTE:In a cluster setup, if you need to create a user other than the default user that is created, Runtime Credentials must be set on all the nodes in the DHCP cluster.
To set the runtime credentials, execute the following commands:
KEYVALUE=<DN of runtime admin> CASAcli -s -n dhcp-ldap -k CN
KEYVALUE=<password of runtime admin> CASAcli -s -n dhcp-ldap -k Password
For example, to set the credentials of the runtime admin dhcpadmin, execute the following commands:
KEYVALUE=cn=dhcpadmin,o=novell CASAcli -s -n dhcp-ldap -k CN
KEYVALUE=<password> CASAcli -s -n dhcp-ldap -k Password