The DST cluster resource is a pool cluster resource for the primary pool that has been modified to manage both the primary pool and secondary pool. When you use an NSS management tool to rename a cluster-enabled pool, it automatically changes the Pool object name in eDirectory; updates the pool name for its Volume objects; and updates the pool name that appears in the load, unload, and monitor scripts for the pool’s cluster resource. However, renaming a secondary pool cannot also update its name in the scripts for the primary pool’s resource, because the secondary pool’s default Pool object and Volume object do not contain information about the primary pool. You must manually modify the scripts for the DST cluster resource after you rename a secondary pool.
Renaming the shared primary pool or secondary pool in the DST cluster resource does not affect the settings that define the DST shadow relationship.
The resource objects for a DST cluster resource are typically named when you cluster-enable the primary pool. Renaming a primary pool does not modify the names of the resource objects. To rename a primary pool name in a way that also modifies names of resource objects, you can disable clustering for the primary pool, rename the pool, and then enable clustering for the renamed pool. This process is described in Renaming a Shared Pool and Its Resource Objects
Afterwards, reconfigure the primary pool cluster resource to include the necessary commands for the secondary pool and the DST shadow volume pair, just as you did when you first set up the DST cluster resource. Because the primary volume name and secondary volume name are not affected by the pool rename, you do not need to modify the related commands in the /etc/opt/novell/ncp2nss.conf file and /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file.
To rename a shared pool in a DST cluster resource:
Log in to the master node as the root user, then launch a terminal console.
Ensure that the pool cluster resource is running on the master node. Enter
cluster status
If you need to migrate the resource, enter the following at the command prompt:
cluster migrate <resource_name> <master_node_name>
Take the pool cluster resource offline. At the command prompt, enter
cluster offline <resource_name>
You can verify the offline state by entering
cluster status
Activate the pool to be renamed locally on the master node:
At the command prompt, enter
Select Pools to view a list of pools. The pool state is Deactive.
Select the pool, then press F7 Activate.
Rename the pool:
On the NSSMU Pools page, select the pool.
Press F6 Rename.
Read the warning message that the pool’s volumes will be dismounted, then click OK to confirm that you want to rename the pool.
Specify the new name, then press Enter.
Read the error message, then press o (OK) or press Enter to dismiss it.
Error 23391 is EDIR OBJECT NOT FOUND. Typically, it means that the old Pool object has been removed successfully and can no longer be found.
After the rename, the pool is in a deactive state.
Press Esc twice to exit NSSMU.
Verify that the pool name was modified in the pool resource scripts:
In iManager, select Clusters > My Clusters, then select the cluster that you want to manage.
On the Cluster Manager page, click the name link of the pool resource.
Remember that the pool resource name has not been modified by the pool rename.
On the Resource Properties page, click the Scripts tab.
Verify that the new pool name is used in the load, unload, and monitor scripts.
If you modified the secondary pool name, you must manually modify that line in the script.
Remember that the resource name and virtual server name are not modified by a pool rename. Do not modify those names in scripts.
On the Load Script page, verify that the pool name was changed in the nss command. If you modify the load script, click Apply.
exit_on_error nss /poolact=<new_pool_name>
For example:
exit_on_error nss /poolact=PUSERS
Click Unload Script, then verify that the pool name was changed in the nss command. Also check any custom commands where the volume name appears. If you modify the unload script, click Apply.
exit_on_error nss /pooldeact=<new_pool_name>
For example:
exit_on_error nss /pooldeact=PUSERS
Click Monitor Script, then verify that the pool name was changed in the status_fs command. Also check any custom commands where the pool name appears. If you modify the monitor script, click Apply.
exit_on_error status_fs /dev/pool/<new_pool_name> /opt/novell/nss/mnt/.pools/<new_pool_name>
For example:
exit_on_error status_fs /dev/pool/PUSERS /opt/novell/nss/mnt/.pools/PUSERS
Click Cancel to return to the Cluster Manager page, or click OK to apply any changes you made in the scripts.
Bring the pool cluster resource online. At the command prompt, enter
cluster online <resource_name>
You can verify the online state by entering
cluster status