See Section 2.0, What’s New or Changed in NSS to learn about new and modified features in this release of NSS.
Review the following sections to help you plan your storage solution:
For information about installing and configuring NSS on your server, see Section 3.0, Installing and Configuring Novell Storage Services.
For guidelines and instructions about upgrading the media format of NSS volumes to use hard links, see Section 4.0, Upgrading the NSS Media Format.
For guidelines and instructions about migrating NSS volumes from to OES 11, see Section 11.0, Migrating NSS Devices to OES 11 SP3.
For guidelines about setting up NSS volumes and services on a virtual server, see Section 6.0, Using NSS in a Virtualization Environment.
For management tools overviews and quick references, see Section 9.0, Management Tools for NSS.
For information to help you plan storage services to use the NSS file system and services, see Section 5.0, Planning NSS Storage Solutions.