7.5 Unsharing a Device

The sharing state of devices in NLVM is intended for marking devices as shareable that you plan to use for cluster-enabled NSS pools or for Novell Cluster Services SBD (split brain detector) partitions.

For Linux volumes, you use devices that are not marked as shareable for clustering. When you cluster-enable an LVM volume group for Novell Cluster Services, clustered LVM controls the share state of the device, not the Shareable for Clustering setting. If a device was previously used for an NSS pool or SBD partition and reports a Shared state of Yes, it contains a small 4 KB partition to store the state. Before you can create a clustered LVM volume group on the device, you must change the device’s Shared state from Yes to No.

You can use the nlvm unshare command to change the share state of a device. For command usage information, see List Linux Volume in the OES 11 SP3: NLVM Reference.

  1. Log in to the server as the root user, then open a terminal console.

  2. View a list of active devices by entering

    nlvm list devices
  3. Verify the device node name and share state of the device.

  4. Unshare the device by entering

    nlvm unshare sdd
  5. View a list of active devices by entering

    nlvm list devices
  6. Verify that the share state of the device has changed from Yes to No.