You can use the nlvm create linux volume command to create a native Linux POSIX volume on a device. You must have free unpartitioned space available on a device. For command usage information, see Create Linux Volume
in the OES 11 SP3: NLVM Reference.
Log in to the server as the root user, then open a terminal console.
List the devices by entering the following command, then verify that the device that you want to use has been formatted.
nlvm list device <device_name>
Note the amount of free unpartitioned space available.
To create the volume, enter
nlvm create linux volume type=<btrfs|ext2|ext3|reiserfs|xfs> device=<device_name|anydisk> size=<value[K|M|G|T]|max> mp=<full_mount_point_path> [mntopt=<fs_mount_options>] [ncp]
Specify the type of file system to create on the volume. Valid values are btrfs,ext2, ext3, reiserfs, and xfs.
Replace device_name with the node name of the device where you want to create the volume, such as sda or sdd. You can also specify anydisk to use any unshared disk that has sufficient free unpartitioned space to create the volume.
Specify the size of the partition to create for the Linux volume, or specify max to use all of the free unpartitioned space on the specified device. All sizes are in bytes and can be specified with one of the following multipliers: K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), G (gigabytes), or T (terabytes). Multipliers are case insensitive and are multiples of 1024. If no multiplier is specified, it is assumed to be G. If max is entered, all of the free unpartitioned space on the device is used. The minimum allowed size is 1 megabyte.
Replace full_mount_point_path with the full Linux path where you want to mount the device. The last directory is assumed to be the name you want to give the volume. The name must be unique on the server. For example, /mnt/vol2.
NOTE:If you enable NCP for the volume, the name of the final folder in the path must comply with the limitations for NCP volume names described in Section 5.4, Naming Conventions for NCP Volume Names. If you use lowercase letters for the volume name, they are automatically changed to uppercase for the NCP volume name.
Replace fs_mount_options with the mount options to use when mounting the volume. For a list of available options, see the mount(8) man page. The default mntopt value is rw.
Use the ncp option to enable the Linux POSIX file system on the volume to be accessed with the NetWare Control Protocol (NCP). It creates an NCP volume of the same name, and creates an NCP share at the root of the volume.
For example, enter the following command to create a 20 GB NCP-enabled Linux POSIX volume named vol2 with the Ext3 file system that is mounted for read and write access at /mnt/vol1:
nlvm create linux volume type=ext3 device=sda size=20G mp=/mnt/vol2 mntopt=rw ncp
If the creation is successful, the response is:
Volume mounted at /mnt/vol2
Verify that the volume is mounted by entering
nlvm list linux volumes
For example:
nlvm list linux volumes Name Group Mounted Size Shared Type LVM NCP Mountpoint / Yes 15.98GB No ext3 No No / /boot Yes 297.00MB No ext2 No No /boot /home Yes 403.00GB No ext3 No No /home /vol1 Yes 25.98GB No ext3 No No /mnt/vol1 VOL2 Yes 19.98GB No ext3 No Yes /mnt/VOL2
If NCP is enabled for the volume, the volume name appears in all uppercase, and the NCP value is Yes.