F.5 December 2008

Updates were made to the following section. The changes are explained below.

Table F-2 Updates


Description of Changes

Section 3.1, Network Operating Systems Support

Added a new section to describe the network operating system support for different versions of QuickFinder Server.

Section 8.5.3, Configuring Rights-Based Search Results for Crawled Indexes

Added a new option for the Always activate new index option.

Section 8.5.5, Creating an Advanced File System Index

Added a new option for the Always activate new index option.

Section 8.5.9, Indexing Volumes on Remote Servers

Updated the section to include the steps to perform a remote server indexing without using the NFS gateway.

Editing the Synonyms List

Updated the section to add a description of the synonym list. Added a table that summarizes the different combinations of signs and their usage in a list.

Section 12.12, Search Parameters

Added a new search parameter resulttitle.

QuickFinder Admin Login Fails Consecutively

Added a new known issue and its workkaround.