B.12 novell-lum

Attribute Name



Specify the admin group name. The admin group will be created if it does not exist and will be LUM-enabled. The admin user that is used to configure the LUM service will be added to this admin group and this group will be associated with the workstation object.

Example: <admin_group>cn=admingroup,o=acme</admin_group>


Specify a list of the IP addresses of the local eDirectory servers that you are connecting to.

Example: <alternate_ldap_servers_list1 config:type="list"> <listentry></listentry> <listentry></listentry> </alternate_ldap_servers_list1>


Specify one or more external LDAP servers. Ensure to specify the IP address of a valid LDAP server that is up and running.

Example: <alternate_ldap_servers_list2 config:type="list"> <listentry></listentry> <listentry></listentry> </alternate_ldap_servers_list2>


Specify the IP address of the LDAP server.

Example: <ldap_server></ldap_server>


If you want the LUM-enabled users to accees the following services, set the value of those tags to 'yes': FTP, GDM, Gnome Screensaver, Gnomesu pam, Login, SFCB, SSHD and SU.

Example: <lum_enabled_services> <ftp>no</ftp> <gdm>no</gdm> <gnome-screensaver>no</gnome-screensaver> <gnomesu-pam>no</gnomesu-pam> <login>no</login> <sfcb>yes</sfcb> <sshd>no</sshd> <su>no</su></lum_enabled_services>


Specify the context where UNIX Config Object will be created.

Example: <partition_root>o=acme</partition_root>


Specify the LUM proxy user FQDN, in LDAP format, used for searching LUM users in eDirectory at login time.

Example: <proxy_user>cn=ldapsproxy,o=acme</proxy_user> If you are using common proxy for LUM, mention the user FQDN of the common proxy as shown below. <proxy_user>cn=OESCommonProxy_localhostname,o=acme</proxy_user>


Specify the password for the LUM proxy user.

Example: <proxy_user_password>SAM23#$</proxy_user_password>


Set it to 'yes' if you want to restrict read and write access for users other than the owners of the home directories.

Example: <restrict_access>yes</restrict_access>


Specify the workstation context. Computers running Linux User Management (LUM) are represented by Unix Workstation objects in eDirectory. The object holds the set of properties and information associated with the target computer, such as the target workstation name or a list of eDirectory groups that have access to the target workstation.

Example: <ws_context>o=novell</ws_context>