If NSS is installed, NCP Server runs the Novell NCP/NSS IPC (/etc/init.d/ncp2nss) daemon in order to synchronize its settings with NSS. You must restart ncp2nss whenever you modify NCP Server settings or the Dynamic Storage Technology global parameter settings for NCP Server. by using any of the following methods:
OES Remote Manager for Linux
ncpcon set commands
Editing the values in the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file
The changes do not take effect until you have restarted ncp2nss and eDirectory (see Section 8.2, Restarting the eDirectory (ndsd) Daemon).
To restart the ncp2nss daemon:
Log in as the root user, then open a terminal console.
At the terminal console prompt, enter
/etc/init.d/ncp2nss restart
If ncp2nss restarts successfully, the following messages are displayed in the terminal console:
Shutting down Novell NCP/NSS IPC daemon...
Starting the Novell NCP/NSS IPC daemon.