6.11 Delete Linux Volume

delete linux volume <volume_name>

Delete an existing Linux POSIX volume. You cannot delete the root (/) volume. You must unmount the volume before you can delete it.

If the volume is a clustered LVM volume group and logical volume, you must take the cluster resource offline, and then delete the resource before you can delete the volume.

nlvm [nlvm_options] delete linux volume <volume_name>

You are automatically prompted to confirm the delete action. Respond by typing yes or no, then press Enter. Use the --no-prompt NLVM option to suppress the confirmation prompt.

You can use the nlvm list linux volumes command to find the volume_name. A Linux POSIX volume is preceded by a forward slash, such as /vol1. This is the last directory of the mount point path that you provided when you created the Linux POSIX volume with NLVM or NSSMU. An LVM volume name is the volume name you used when you created the volume, such as lvvol1.

Command Options


Mandatory. Specify the name of the volume to delete.


For a Linux POSIX volume mounted at /home/bob, the volume name is /bob.

For an LVM logical volume that you named lvvol1 that is mounted at /mnt/lvvol1, the volume name is lvvol1 (with no forward slash).

For an LVM logical volume that you named lvvol2 that is mounted at /home/users, the volume name is lvvol2 (not /users).


Optional. Specify this NLVM option to prevent a confirmation message from being displayed.



Command Examples

nlvm delete linux volume /bob

Delete the Linux POSIX volume that is mounted at /home/bob.

nlvm delete linux volume lvvol1

Delete the Linux LVM logical volume lvvol1 that is mounted at /mnt/lvvol1.

nlvm --no-prompt delete linux volume lvvol2

Delete the Linux LVM logical volume lvvol2 that is mounted at /home/users. The confirmation message is not displayed.