6.15 Delete RAID

delete raid <raid_name>

Delete an existing NSS software RAID device by name.

If the RAID device is a single element RAID 1, this command removes the RAID 1 mirror object from the pool partition and leaves the pool on the corresponding partition. The pool is not deleted and no data is destroyed.

When you delete a single element RAID1 mirror for an SBD (split-brain detector) partition, it removes the mirror object and leaves the SBD in the corresponding partition. The SBD is not deleted and no data is destroyed.

For a RAID1 that contains multiple elements, deleting the RAID1 deletes all mirrors and the pool partitions or SBD partitions on them. All data is destroyed. If you want to keep the pool or SBD on one of the member devices, use the nlvm delete partition command to delete the partitions for mirror elements you do not want to keep. For the remaining single-element mirror, go to the RAIDs page and delete the RAID1 mirror element. This removes the RAID1 object and leaves the pool partition or SBD partition.

nlvm [nlvm_options] delete raid <raid_name>

You are automatically prompted to confirm the delete action. Respond by typing yes or no, then press Enter. Use the --no-prompt NLVM option to suppress the confirmation prompt.

For single element RAID 1 devices, this command duplicates the nlvm raid delete command, which deletes a single element mirror from a pool, leaving the pool on the corresponding partition.

Before you delete a Novell Cluster Services SBD RAID 1, you must take the cluster down, and stop Novell Cluster Services from running on all nodes.

Command Options


Mandatory. Specify the name of the NSS software RAID device to be deleted.



Optional. Specify this NLVM option to prevent a confirmation message from being displayed.



Command Example

nlvm delete raid MYRAID1

Delete the NSS software RAID device named MYRAID1.