6.50 Resume Move

resume move <move_name | pool_name>

Resume the mirroring for a specified pool move that has been paused with the nlvm pause move command. The pool move continues from where it was paused.

nlvm [nlvm_options] resume move <move_name | pool_name>

If the pool is cluster-enabled, you must issue the command on the node where the pool is currently active. You cannot resume a paused pool move while the pool cluster resource is offline. A paused pool move for a clustered pool will resume automatically:

  • If the pool cluster resource fails over to a different node

  • If you cluster migrate the pool cluster resource to a different node

  • If you take the pool cluster resource offline and bring it online again

To re-pause the pool move, use the nlvm pause move command.

Command Option


Mandatory. Specify the name of the paused pool move that you want to resume. The move name typically looks like POOLNAME_move.

pool _name

Mandatory. Specify the name of the NSS pool that is being moved.



Command Example

nlvm resume move MYPOOL1

Resume mirroring for the pool move for the pool MYPOOL1.