To verify that the features are set up correctly, complete the following as part of testing Password Self-Service:
Create a policy with the following characteristics: (For information on how to accomplish this, see, To create a challenge set while using the Password Policy Wizard:).
Enable Forgotten Password
Require Challenge Set
Select the option to verify that the challenge response and hint are configured on login
Assign the password policy to a container with at least one user you can use to test with (a user who has the e-mail address indicated on the User object in the Internet EMail Address attribute)
Make sure you have another user to test with who does not have a password policy assigned.
To test password self-service, use the Identity Manager User Application. For information on how to do this, see Chapter 2, “Using the Identity Self-Service Tab” in the Identity Manager Roles Based Provisioning Module 3.6 User Application User Guide.
For Windows users, test password self-service using the Novell Client. For information on how to do this, see Section 6.3, “Using Forgotten Password Self-Service” in the Novell Client for Windows Installation and Administration Guide.