Use the Credentials Manager to create and manage the credentials required to access servers. Create new credentials, delete saved credentials, or edit credentials in the Credentials Manager dialog box.
Figure 4-4 Credentials Manager dialog box
To create a new credential:
Click the .
Type in a
and .NOTE:If adding a Windows Inventory credential, it is necessary to combine the username with the domain name in the form: <Domain>\<Username> or Username@Domain. For example, platespin\reconuser.
Select a
from the drop-down list. Supported types are: Windows Inventory, Unix Inventory, Virtual Center Inventory, VMware ESX3/4 Inventory, Novell Netware Inventory, Citrix XenServer Inventory, Database or Other. By default, Other is selected.(Optional) Type a
or to validate the credentials against. Click to validate the entered credentials.(Optional) Enter a
to distinguish the credentials from other credentials with identical user names.Click
to store the credentials or click to exit without saving your changes.To delete a credential, select it in the left pane and click the .
NOTE:Credentials cannot be deleted if they are assigned to servers. If credentials are assigned to servers, they is a plus sign beside them in the left pane. Click the plus sign (or double-click the credential) to see which machines have those credentials assigned to them.