Novell Teaming software and configuration files are stored in a tree shared with Liferay, Tomcat, etc. There are some temporary files also located here, but it is used mainly for locks and similar files.
Novell Teaming data is stored in the database (see Database Planning) and on the file system. The file system usage is divided up into several functional areas:
filerepository: This is where all attachment files are located, so it is a large consumer of disk space. The tree is roughly organized by site, binder (folder/workspace), and entry.
archiveStore: This is where previous file versions are stored to meet compliance and archival goals.
cachefilestore: This tree holds information derived from the attachments, such as thumbnails, scaled images, text, and HTML renderings. Depending on the nature of the attachments this tree consumes somewhat less space than the file repository (but it can, conceivably, store more).
lucene: This tree holds the search index for the data. It tends to be a fraction of the space consumed by the file repository, but it is also sensitive to the type of information stored.
Other trees: These are other trees that you cannot configure, which typically only consume a small amount of space.
rss: Caches of RSS feeds for folders
temp: Temporary files