No Liferay dependency: Novell Teaming 2.0 is a standalone application with no dependency on Liferay.
Built-in mail server for incoming posts: Teaming 2.0 includes a build-in SMTP mail server for incoming e-mail. This allows Teaming users to easily post to folders in the Teaming site from their e-mail clients. For configuration instructions, see Section 3.7, Enabling Inbound E-Mail.
Multiple Lucene Index Servers: You can install multiple Lucene Index Servers to provide high availability for the Teaming site index. For setup instructions, see Section 16.0, Running Multiple Lucene Index Servers.
Novell Access Manager Integration: Novell Access Manager can provide single sign-on access to your Teaming site. For configuration instructions, see Section 9.8, Configuring Single Sign-On with Novell Access Manager.