If your TeamWorks deployment includes an integrated Content Editor appliance, complete all of the instructions in this section.
IMPORTANT:As stated in Content Editor Requires an SSL Connection with Each TeamWorks Appliance, the Content Editor appliance requires a secure connection with each TeamWorks appliance that accesses its services.
This means that the Content Editor and each TeamWorks appliance must have a certificate installed from an industry-recognized Certificate Authority.
Using the appliances’ self-signed certificates for this purpose is not supported.
Before you complete the instructions that follow, use the Certificates
icon in each affected appliance’s Port 9443 admin console to
Generate certificate signing requests (CSRs)
Install certificates
as needed.
For more information, see Certificates
in the TeamWorks 18.2.1: Administrative UI Reference.
To enable the Content Editor appliance to work with TeamWorks, do the following.
Table 8-6 Logging in and Starting the Configuration Wizard
Page, Dialog, or Option |
Do This |
Content Editor Appliance Sign In |
Content Editor Appliance Tools |
Allowed Hosts |
The installation wizard accesses the Allowed Hosts list.
To configure TeamWorks to work with Content Editor, do the following.
Table 8-7 Configuring TeamWorks to Work with Content Editor
Page, Dialog, or Option |
Do This |
C Appliance Sign In |
TeamWorks Appliance Tools |
Configuration |
Web-based Document Editing |
Content Editor requires that users enter the TeamWorks appliance’s DNS name when accessing TeamWorks services.
Using an IP address to access TeamWorks causes Content Editor to fail.
Documents will not open for editing when an IP address was used.