7.16 Displaying YouTube Videos in a Folder Entry

Novell Vibe enables you to post YouTube videos in a folder entry, as well as in the following locations throughout the Vibe site:

To post a YouTube video in a folder entry:

  1. Navigate to the folder where you want to post the YouTube video.

  2. Create a new folder entry by clicking the appropriate item in the Folder Entry toolbar. For example, to add a blog entry in the Blog folder, click New Blog Entry.


    Open an existing folder entry that you want to modify, then click Modify in the Entry toolbar.

    The Entry page is launched.

  3. In the Description section, click the Expand icon YouTube icon in the HTML editor, then click the Video icon YouTube icon.

  4. In the provided window, in the URL of a Video on YouTube field, paste the URL of the YouTube video that you want to post.

  5. In the Dimensions fields, do not make any changes if you want to keep the default YouTube dimensions.

  6. Click Insert, then click OK to post the entry.