Tests if the calling user has the specified access right on each of the specified binders.
public boolean[] binder_testAccess( String accessToken, String workAreaOperationName, long[] binderIds);
The binder_testAccess operation tests if the calling user has the specified access right on each workspace or folder that is specified.
If a binder does not exist, the result for that specific binder is set to <code>false</code>. If the access right is an unknown value in Vibe, then the result for all binders is set to <code>fasle</code>.
Either the security token passed to your application by Vibe as part of implementing a remote application, or the null value.
The string name of a org.kablink.teaming.security.function.WorkAreaOperation instance. See the Java source file for the names.
The ID of the binders against which to test the access.
An array of boolean values where each value represents whether the access test was successful or not for each binder.