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How to Create a Customized Search Solution

You can extend the capabilities of NetWare Web Search Server by customizing the templates.

The first step in customizing Web Search Server is to determine which components of Web Search you want to customize. For example, if you only wanted to add a few additional search features to the search page template and modify its background color and table size, you would modify the SearchTemplate.html or SearchTemplate.Simple files.

This section discusses how to customize the search, print and result templates and how to use available parameters and variables to create a customized search solution.

Customizing the Search Templates

You can customize the design and functionality of the static or dynamic search templates by

If you are familiar with HTML, you can quickly modify the design of the default (dynamic) Web Search template, or the static search template. For example, you can change the background color of the search table, resize it, or add new graphics.

To modify the functionality of the default Web Search template, you can add or remove search parameters. Search parameters are used to communicate with NetWare Web Search. By embedding them in the correct places in your HTML source, you can extend or limit the functionality of the default Web Search templates.

For example, if you wanted your users to use a specific set of templates found in a themes directory, you would add the following HTML code, including the theme parameter, to the SearchTemplate.HTML file:

<INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="theme name" VALUE="$$QueryTemplateTheme">

This sample HTML code tells Web Search to look for templates only in the spcified template directory. All themes are located within the templates directory specified in Web Search Manager.

TOOL TIPFor a complete list of available search parameters, see Table 9.

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