The Local File panel on the Local Device Logging page lets you enable messages logging to local log files.
On a Windows* managed device, the local files are zmd-messages.log,loader-messages.log, and services-messages.log. The zmd-messages.log file is located in \novell\zenworks\logs\localstore. The loader-messages.log and services-messages.log are located in \novell\zenworks\logs.
On a Linux* managed device, the local files loader-messages.log and services-messages.log are located in /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks.
Indicates filtering criteria based on severity:
Error: Stores messages with a severity of Error.
Warning and Above: Stores messages with a severity of Warning and Error.
Information and Above: Stores messages with a severity of Information, Warning, and Error.
Debug and above: Stores messages with a severity of Information, Warning, and Error as well as additional debugging information. Because of the amount of information being stored, performance might be affected.
If you need to troubleshoot a ZENworks® Adaptive Agent issue on an individual device, you can change the severity setting so that additional information is logged. To do so, on the device, double-click the icon in the system tray; click in the left navigation pane; then select an option from the drop-down list.
Closes the current log file and starts a new one based on the file size:
Limit File Size to: Specify the maximum size of the log file, in either kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB). The log file is closed after reaching the specified size and a new one is started.
Number of Backup Files: Specify the number of closed files to be retained as backups. The maximum number of backup files is 13.
Closes the current log file and starts a new one based on the date. The two date options are:
Daily Pattern: Starts a new file daily.
Monthly Pattern: Starts a new file monthly.
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