System Update Release Details

This panel displays the details about the selected system update.

Release Details Panel Details

The following table explains information for each row.

Column Heading


Update ID

Displays the name of the system update, which is created by Novell.

Update GUID

Displays the system update’s GUID.

Release Date

Displays the date the update was released by Novell.

Download Date

Displays the date you downloaded the content of the update, including all files necessary to install the system update.

Priority Level

Displays the relative importance of the update’s content to your ZENworks installation. Some possible entries:

OPTIONAL: Not required for normal operation of ZENworks Configuration Management.

MANDATORY: A required update that must be applied.


Displays brief information about the purpose of the update and its content.


Indicates whether the target devices are Primary Servers only, all managed devices, or servers with ZENworks roles.

Product Version

The version of ZENworks in this update.

Prerequisite Updates

Displays any system updates that are required for this update.

Superseded Updates

Displays any updates that the current update supersedes.

Update Notes

Displays the brief information about important issues related to the update.

Update Readme

Information pertinent to deploying the update, such as last-minute instructions. Click this entry to open the Readme.

Updated Files

Lists all of the files contained in the system update that will be applied to update your ZENworks software.

Release Details Tasks

You can perform the following tasks to view release information:



Additional Details

View the system update’s Readme file

  1. In the Update Readme field, click the Readme name.

Opens the System Update Readme that contains information pertinent to deploying the update, such as last-minute instructions.

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