The Infrastructure Management section contains the following settings:
Closest Server Default Rule: Define the rule that is used by a device to determine the closest collection, content, and configuration servers when no Closest Server rules have been defined or when none apply. This rule is simply a listing of the servers in the order you want devices to contact them. You cannot add or remove servers from the lists. For more information, see Closest Server Default Rule.
Closest Server Rules: Create rules that are used to determine which servers a device contacts for the collection, content, and configuration functions, if your ZENworks Management Zone includes more than one server. For more information, see Closest Server Rules.
HTTP Proxy Settings: Define proxy servers you want to use. A proxy server lets a device connect indirectly to a ZENworks Server through the proxy server. The device’s ZENworks Adaptive Agent connects to the proxy server, then requests resources from a ZENworks Server. The proxy provides the resource either by connecting to the ZENworks Server or by serving it from a cache. For more information, see HTTP Proxy Settings.
System Update Settings: Configure how you want to use the System Updates feature, including how often to check for updates, specifying a download schedule, configuring e-mail notifications, and more. For more information, see System Update Settings.
ZENworks News Settings: Configures the server and the schedule for downloading the ZENworks News. For more information, see ZENworks News Settings.