All inventory components log the status messages in a log file maintained in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format. Unlike the status logs that contain a history of the ten latest status messages, the status XML log stores all status messages.
The log file contains the following data:
The format of the log file is as follows:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
?xml stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="inventorylog.xsl"?
<date_time>8/3/00 12:49 PM</date_time>
<message_tag>unable to create scan data files</ message_tag>
<date_time>8/3/00 12:49 PM</date_time>
<message_tag>unable to update the database</message_tag>
A sample style sheet and Document Type Declaration (DTD) file are located in SYS:\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS on the server.
The INVENTORYLOG.XML log file is located in the SYS:\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS\WMINV\LOGS directory on NetWare® and Windows* NT*/2000 servers.
By default, the maximum size of the log file is 100 KB. To modify the maximum size of the log file, edit the INVENTORYLOG.INI file. On NetWare and Windows NT/2000 servers, this file is in the SYS:\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS directory.
The contents of INVENTORYLOG.INI is as follows:
max_file_size=100 KB
Modify the MAX_FILE_SIZE parameter, if required.
If the file size exceeds the value specified in the MAX_FILE_SIZE parameter, the file is archived as filename_OLD.XML. The latest messages will be in the current log file.
To view the log data file, use a third-party XML browser.
If you want to view the XML log file in languages other than English, see Unable to view the inventory status reports (XML format) in languages other than English in Workstation Inventory in Troubleshooting.