Use the Image Explorer utility at a Windows* workstation to view or customize workstation images or to create add-on images.
IMGEXP.EXE is located in the ZENWORKS\IMAGING folder in your ZfD installation (on the imaging server).
To start the Image Explorer as a standalone utility (from Windows), double-click the IMGEXP.EXE file. There are no command line parameters. To start the utility from ConsoleOne®, click Tools > ZENworks Utilities > Imaging > Image Explorer.
After starting the utility, you can create a new add-on image or open an existing workstation image. You can compress an image. You can browse and view the Windows partitions, folders, and files in the open image. You can customize the image by adding or excluding individual files and folders and by adding Windows registry (.REG) files that will be applied after the image is laid down. You can associate these customizations with any of ten possible variants of the image. You can purge deleted and hidden files from an image. For information on how to perform these tasks, see the online help in the utility.
WARNING: Do not exclude .BPB files from a base image or the workstation won't be able to boot the new operating system after receiving the image.
NOTE: Non-Windows partitions, such as NetWare® partitions, are visible when you open an image, but their contents are not.