The ZIMGLANG.INI file defines the non-English keyboards that are supported for the imaging bootup process. You can create language diskettes for each of these languages using the Imaging Boot Disk Creator (ZIMGBOOT.EXE) utility. You can add support for additional languages to this file as explained in Setting Up Workstations for Imaging in Workstation Imaging in Deployment.
ZIMGLANG.INI is located in the ZENWORKS\IMAGING folder in your ZfD installation (on the imaging server).
This is a standard Windows INI format file. Each section of the file defines the keyboard support for a single language, including the keyboard mappings, fonts, and Unicode mappings to use. For example, the German keyboard is defined like this:
You can add support for additional languages to this file as explained in Setting Up Workstations for Imaging in Workstation Imaging in Deployment.