If you encounter a situation where the auto-imaging behavior that you have defined in NDS policies and settings won't accomplish the result you need, you can perform a manual (command line) imaging operation as follows:
Boot the computer from a ZfD imaging device or method and type manual at the boot prompt. Insert the second and third diskettes if you are prompted for them.
At the Linux prompt, use the img command to perform the specific imaging operation you want. For more information, see the table below.
For information on | See |
All the various img command and menu options you can use |
Imaging Engine (img: Command Line and Menu) in Imaging Utilities and Options in Workstation Imaging in Administration |
Performing a disconnected (entirely local) imaging operation |
Taking an image of a computer and storing it on a ZfD imaging server |
Manually Taking an Image of a Workstation in Testing Basic Imaging Operations in Workstation Imaging in Getting Started |
Retrieving an image from a ZfD imaging server and laying it down on a computer |
Manually Putting an Image on a Workstation in Testing Basic Imaging Operations in Workstation Imaging in Getting Started |
Taking an image of one computer and multicasting it to several other computers |
Multicasting Images in Workstation Imaging in Administration |