Before you can install ZfD, you must perform the following tasks:
Make sure that you have made and archived a reliable backup.
Make sure that all of the recommended hardware and software requirements are met. In particular, make sure that the recommended version of ConsoleOne is installed on the server where you will install ZfD. For more information, see Obtaining and Installing ConsoleOne.
Make sure that you have Admin or equivalent rights to all NetWare servers where you will install ZfD components. For installation on Windows NT/2000 servers, you should have Full Control permissions.
Make sure you are authenticated to the server as an administrator equivalent if you are installing to an NT server. If you log in to the NT server using an IP address, your user object will not be authenticated to the server with the server name that is necessary for the installation program. It is not necessary to map a drive to the server to authenticate to it.
To authenticate to an NT server, go to Network Neighborhood > double-click the server name > enter your user ID (admin or equivalent) and password.
Make sure that the Java runtime environment (JRE) is not running on any Windows NT server you are installing to as you start the installation program.
Make sure that you have Admin or equivalent rights to extend the NDS schema.
Make sure that the workstation where you will run the installation program has NDS (eDirectory) authentication to the server (or to the servers) where you plan to install the product.
If you will be installing on a NetWare server, it will be necessary to unload JAVA.NLM (at the Server Console, type java -exit). Make sure you do this when Java is not being used by another process and the proper Java components have already been installed.
Exit any program that uses files in the SYS:PUBLIC directory on any server where you will be installing ZfD.
If you choose to install the Sybase* database and it is already running on the server, be sure to quit the database process before proceeding with the installation program.
Exit any Windows programs on the network workstation from which you will be running the installation program.
Set the screen resolution on the ConsoleOne administration workstation at 800 [Times] 600. You will not be able to view all of the ConsoleOne information on the screen if the resolution is set lower than 800 [Times] 600.
We recommend installing ZfD 3.2 from a Windows NT/2000 workstation or server.