Installing and Using the ZENworks Workstation Browser 3.0

  1. On your ZENworks for Desktops Windows 2000 Server, extract the ZENworks Workstation Browser download, and start the extracted file ZENWSBrowser30ZfDsetup.exe.

  2. In the license agreement window, click Yes > Next > Finish.

    Screen shot of the License Agreement window.

  3. In the ZEN for Desktops 3 Directory field, enter \\DA-01\Sys\ConsoleOne\1.2 > OK.

    Screen shot of the Workstation Browser Installation Assistant.

  4. After the installation is complete, close the readme.txt Notepad window.

  5. Close the Novell Consulting window (opened by the install process).

  6. Click the Start menu > Programs > Novell Consulting > ZEN Workstation Browser 3.0.

  7. Use the browser window to open the .Workstations.IST.Corp.IST container > Double-click the container to show your list of imported workstations.

    Screen shot of the workstation browser window. A list of the imported workstations is shown.Screen shot of the ZENworks Workstation Browser 3.0 fo ZfD3 window.;

  8. From the list of workstations, select a workstation object for which the physical workstation is powered on and connected to the network > click Remote Control.

  9. After the Remote Control window opens, test it > close it.

  10. At the top of the ZENworks Workstation Browser window, click the ZfD Inventory Server selection button. (The button looks like the front face of a satellite dish.)

    Screen shot of the ZfD3 Inventory Server dialog box.

  11. In the ZENWSBrowser: ZfD3 Inventory Server Dialog window, select your inventory server from the list > click Save/Use.

  12. From the list of workstations, select a workstation object for which the physical workstation is powered on and connected to the network > click Inventory.

  13. Inspect the Inventory for the workstation > close the Inventory window.

Explore other features of the ZENworks Workstation Browser as you like.